83. The 6 Mistakes people make with Gut Health!

What's up Friend! In this episode we are going to go 6 Mistakes people make with gut health (so that you don't make the same!)

We are offering a sweet promo for the month of June for running a GI-Map Test!

You can check out the GI-Map Promo HERE!

If you invest in this promo you automatically receive a $400 credit you can use towards LabFit Hybrid Coaching in September 2024! 

Next Week the name of the show will be officially changing to the LabFit Podcast, so please make sure to subscribe to the show and even better share our episode next week with your bestie!

Listen to Episode #71 All on Why Gluten has to Go Here

Listen to Episode #77 My 10 Year Healing Journey

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Are we connected on Instagram!? I love to hear from you all! Send me a DM on instagram @marjachow and let me know what your thoughts are on this episode?