44. Are you following someones else's plan and praying it will work for you?

Hello Beautiful and in this week's episode we are going to discuss the problems with not making a customized nutrition plan that is specific to YOU!

In this episode we go over:

  • The phases of weight loss based on your metabolism 
  • Why tracking your food will help get you clear on the proper steps to take
  • Why rebuilding your metabolism is fundamental for lasting results 

I would love to know your thoughts about this episode!

Send me a DM over on instagram @marjachow or take a screen shot of this episode and tag me on instagram story - let me know your biggest take away from this episode!

If you want to go over your nutrition and health goals and see if becoming a fat fuelled female is the right fit for you, Book a Complimentary Consultation HERE!

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If you are wanting to get started on your Fat Fuelled Journey you can download my Free meal plan HERE!