You're listening to Episode 44 of the fat fuelled female podcast.
Welcome to the fat fueled female podcast. I'm your host Marja Chow, a holistic nutritionist, personal trainer and proud dog mama of two. I am obsessed with helping women achieve their goals, feel confident in their skin, and become empowered health advocates. This podcast is designed to help ambitious women thrive on a low carb, high fat lifestyle. So tune in each week, as we talk all aspects of nutrition, improving your fitness, enhancing your mindset, so that you can take inspired action, and live your best life all starting from the inside out. I'm so happy to have you here. Now let's get started.
Hello, hello, and welcome, welcome, welcome back to another episode of that feels email podcast. And today, we're going to talk about which so many women do, following someone else's plan and praying that it will work for you.
It's like, well, this diet work for my sister, or work for my mom, or work for my coworker or work for whoever that Yeah, it definitely should work for me. And this could not be further from the truth. Why is it that two people who are wanting to lose weight can eat the exact same, like follow the exact same nutrition and nutrition program eat the like similar amount of calories and have two very, very different results.
It's because your body is like a fingerprint. And there are no two metabolisms that are identical or exactly the same. Otherwise, everyone following the same protocol and eating the same amount of food, the amount of calories would have the exact same results.
And we all know this is not the case. For example, diets like the HCG Diet 800 to 1000 calories.
Dr. Bernstein, very similar, like 500 600 700 800 1000 calories. And when you go into it, it's like why is everyone prescribed the same diet? And the same amount of calories? Because what we have to take into consideration?
Are you a 24? year old female? Are you 47? Female? Are you 5'2? Are you six to 6'2? Are you 5'6? Are you 5'9?
Do you work out once a week? Do you work out four times a week? Do you do yoga? Or do you wait train? Do you sit on your bum all day in front of a computer?
Or are you doing more of a labor intensive job, all of these factors are so important, depending on what your health goals are, if it's weight loss, if it's putting on muscle mass, all of these are going to be very, very, very specific to you.
And important to you when you embark on a nutrition program. Or I like to say a nutrition program that you enjoy. So it actually becomes a lifestyle. So it's enjoyable, but it's also effective. So you look your best, but you also feel your best.
Because what is the point in following a program or a diet or something that you actually really don't like doing? I had a client, one of my VIP client, she's like, Oh, do I have to eat chicken?
I really don't like it. I'm like, why the heck would you eat chicken if you don't like it? It's just our brains become programmed from diet culture. And we think we have to eat chicken or eat whatever to get the results.
And that again, couldn't be further from the truth. So in the fat fuelled female method, when women join, or they joined the group, or they do one on one with me, a really important factor is you track your nutrition, because it's very hard to improve what you can't measure or you can see. So depending on what your goal is, we have to see how much you are fueling and feeding your body with.
And then when you have that data, you can decide where you want to start to figure out where you want to go, right.
So it's important you know where you are to set proper steps and actions and bridge the gap of where you currently are to where you want to go.
Make it easier, make it smoother, because if you don't have a starting point, well, it's going to be a lot harder to get where you want to go.
For example, I live in Vancouver, Canada, I have not the best sense of direction. So if someone was like, Hey, can you drive to California? Me personally, I probably would get lost. I probably would take me. I probably wouldn't get there.
But for someone else, someone who has a good sense have direction maybe who drives to the states more frequently, they may be able to figure it out. Okay. But wouldn't it be more effective effective if you had a map?
Or even better if you had Google Maps, then you would get there? No problem. So that's the premise. And that's the thought process behind tracking and seeing where you are with your nutrition.
Because when I talk to a lot of women, they're like, Oh, I eat good. I'm like, Okay, well, what, what does good mean? What does that mean?
It's like, how much protein are you eating, and I've worked with women, very common for women to be a under eating, and be under eating protein. And protein, I believe, is really the most important macronutrient.
As we age sarcopenia, we lose muscle mass. Protein is essential for hormones and enzymes, it has so many functions in the body. And if you're not eating significant amounts of protein based on your body's demands, it's going to be very difficult to change your body composition, get those curves in the right places, build muscle mass, if you're not consuming enough.
So in the fat fuelled, female method, I think it's about a 45 minute training video, and I go over and I talk about everything, metabolism related your total daily energy expenditure.
There's four variables that make that up. And when you track your food, and you see where you're at, it can be very eye opening to women. And it can be very, like, a lot of the times isn't everyone, but you can really realize, whoa, I'm actually way under eating, from what my body's needs and demands are based on my activity level.
And then when you have the data, it's like, okay, well, well, where are you going to go? And again, these are questions you are going to have to ask yourself, this is where you take radical responsibility for your health.
And you become your own health advocate, and know the proper steps and strategies, how to bridge the gap and get you where you want to go.
So a lot of nutrition programs, they just start out, it's like, okay, well, you want to lose weight, well, let's just cut your calories, let's just do that. That's what a lot of nutrition programs do.
And where I wear the fat fuelled female method is very different. It's, hey, let's see where you're at, let's compare, you know, and calories are energy, okay? It gives us a guideline for you to understand really how much your body does require, but you have that data and you're like, Okay, there's three ways you can move, it's maintenance, rebuild, or cut.
And so maintenance. So for example, say you track your food. And based on everything I teach, it's like, oh, I'm supposed to be consuming around 2000 calories a day. And then you kind of track where you're at, you're like, oh, wow, I actually am like hitting that pretty good.
I am consuming around 2000 calories. So based on what your goals are, and there's different phases in the fat fuelled female method, you may want to stay there, you may want to stay there for the first four weeks. Because when you go into the fat fuelled, female method, we strategically go into ketosis.
And that is a complete different metabolic pathway, your body is going to be running off of most people run off carbs their entire life. So you can stay there, get your body feeling safe, just keep that metabolism lit up, focusing on you know, better quality foods, removing those inflammatory oils, balancing your blood sugar, and just bringing your body into more balance and homeostasis and feeling good.
The next one is rebuild, say, you tracked and then you do the calculations, which I teach, and you're supposed to be eating 2000 calories, and you're eating 1000, you're like, oh, and a lot of women, I find when they're eating really low, they can't lose weight, or they're actually gaining weight, because their metabolism is functioning at such a low level.
And this really is true for women who have been, you know, chronically dieting or yo yo dieting, and really restricting for, you know, 3, 4, 5, 6 months or longer. S
o when you you know, look at your data and say you're at I think I said 1100 calories or 1000 calories, you'd have to go into the rebuild phase.
So if you do the calculations, you're like, Well, I'm supposed to be eating 2000. Of course, if you start eating 2000 That's going to be so hard on you mentally, you're going to be like, Whoa, this is really really scary for me to start eating this much food.
Because a lot of the times women we have this fear about feeding our body more food and I know I had this fear for so many years. Okay, so I can relate to this tenfold.
So in the rebuild phase, what you do is you strategically increase your food week by week. So each week it's either 100 or 150 calories. that you bring your body your your metabolism has enough time to really ease into eating more food, that a lot of the times women won't gain weight, maybe you'll gain a little bit, but it won't be this like, and some women actually lose weight when they start rebuilding.
All right, this isn't this, our bodies aren't computers, it's not like, Oh, it's a guarantee, I do this and you're gonna get this result. It's all trial and error and having patience with the protocol you're following and managing your expectations.
So when women go into rebuild A). what can happen, you can start feeling a lot better, because you're feeding and feeling your body B). you may gain a little bit of weight, but it's not going to be like a 10, 20, 30 pound weight gain were set, which happens to a lot of women, when they stop their crash diet or their yo yo diet, they just start binge eating and over indulging the weight packs on relatively quick, or C). women actually start losing weight, because they're actually bringing their body into a safer place that the weight actually does come off.
So there's three different outcomes that could happen from you actually feeding your body more food. Sorry, there's 4 outcomes. The other outcome is when you go into the rebuild phase, is you start feeding your body more food week by week, and you're able to maintain your weight and keep your weight where it is eating more food, which is pretty freakin cool, right?
Okay, so and then the final option you have is going into a cut. So going into a calorie deficit when you start. And I really try to encourage women to not go there and make sure their body is well fed well nourished.
Because when you come into the fat fuelled, female method, we are, as I've already said, changing your metabolic pathway, you're going into ketosis, this is very different than what most women have ever done with any sort of quote, unquote, diet.
They're you're staying in carb burning mode, right, you're not going into fat burning mode. So I really like to encourage women to stay in maintenance, if they are kind of eating where they already are. And their, their their weights been able to stay the same. I really encourage women to stay here, at least for four weeks.
But again, every one and every body is different. So you might come into the program and be like, You know what, I've been eating 2500 calories, my weights been staying the same. I haven't been chronically dieting, I just spent haven't been putting my focus and energy into food quality, making my health and fitness a priority.
But yeah, my metabolism is in a healthy place that I'm ready to go into a cut, right? So everyone, and everybody is so different, you can't paint everyone with the same brush, just from my personal experience a lot of women and I was one of them under eating for a long period of time.
So that is the difference with the fat fueled female method and the difference with a lot of programs where it's just like, hey, come into this, eat these foods, don't eat these foods, cut your calories and like, Let's go.
Where the difference is, it's I guess, I go over, you have to reduce these foods for a period of time to go into ketosis. That doesn't mean you have to reduce them forever. Then we talk about different foods and how they digest differently in your body.
And you may be able to digest onions and garlic, no big deal. But for someone else that may cause a problem. So it's about you being intentional and taking ownership and really connecting to your body, listening to your body.
And me as a coach and me as a nutritionist, I give you frameworks, I give you tools, I give you strategies. But the focus is really for you to have mastery over your body over your health. A lot of the times it's just these are the steps. This is the how to this is the how to get the result.
And of course we need steps. We need frameworks, we need all of that because if we don't take action, we don't get results. But we also have to get clear on our why.
Why are we doing this? What is the intention behind it? What is the purpose of me doing this? And also the why is this going to support my gut health? Why is this going to give me better energy? Why will this help me absorb my food better?
Because when you understand the why you have so much more conviction you have so much more connection with the steps you're actually taking and you have so much more skin in the game opposed to someone saying giving you a meal plan and being like follow this it's like surface, okay, eat chicken or broccoli. Okay, great.
But when you understand how certain foods really impact our physiology, it's a game changer, because you have so much more awareness and connection of what you choose to put onto your plate.
And with nutrition, I always say it's a gift that keeps on giving. Because when you become more educated, and more of a knowledgeable consumer, you tell your sister, you tell your friend, you tell your co worker, you tell your husband, you share it with your children, and then they make better decisions today, and as they grow up of what they choose to put onto their plate.
So to recap on this episode, following someone else's plan and praying it will work for you is not going to get you the result you desire, and you deserve. So when it comes down to it, it's really about understanding your body, your metabolic needs, how much energy your body requires for you to breathe for you to lie on the couch all day for you to move, for you to exercise for you to digest food, that all requires energy.
So if any part of this episode really spoke to you, I would love to hear from you. Take a screenshot of this episode, throw it on your stories on Instagram, tag me in it, or send me a DM with what your biggest takeaway from this episode was.
And if you want to dive further, I offer 30 minute complimentary nutritional consultations. You can book a call, I will put the link in the show notes.
And we can go over where you're currently at with your nutrition and your health, what you're struggling with. And we can see if I can help you and if becoming a fat fueled female is the right option for you.
So thank you so much for hanging out with me today. And pressing play and I will catch your beautiful smile or I won't see your beautiful smile, but I'm hoping these episodes make you smile. I will catch your beautiful soul next week. Bye for now.
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